Creating Your Vision

Many people go through their daily lives feeling overwhelmed. There are so many things to do and never enough time or energy to complete them all. Do you feel this way about your business, your career, or your life?
Have you promised yourself that you will make some major changes this month but are unsure what those changes should be?
Consider creating a vision, and make it a big one. One that encompasses your life's passion and the gifts you've come to share. You have a lot to give no matter what your business or career is about. You are unique and the only person who can use your strengths in your particular way. Life is not a dress rehearsal, so create your vision of what you really want and then take inspired action steps to attract it to you, whether it's staying at home and raising a family, producing the best widget there is, being the CEO of a company, etc.
How to Create Your Life Vision
Don't assume you can create a clear and well-defined vision overnight—imagining your life and deciding on a course of action takes time and reflection. You must cultivate vision and perspective, as well as use reasoning and preparation to put your goal into action. Your best vision emerges from your hopes, dreams, and aspirations. It will resonate with your values and aspirations, generating energy and passion to help strengthen your dedication to exploring your life's possibilities.
What Does Your Best Life Look Like?
Describe in detail your ideal life. Allow yourself to fantasize and build a vivid picture. Consider how your perfect life would feel if you can't visualize it. If you find it impossible to imagine your life in 10 or 20 years, start with 3-5 years—even a few years in the future will provide you with a starting point. What you see may surprise you.
Here are some thoughts to get you started.
- What will you have achieved so far?
- Where would you be?
- What does your perfect day look like?
- What would you be doing?
It's essential to concentrate on the final outcome or at least a waypoint in your life. Don't think about how you'll get there yet—the that's next step. Allow yourself to return to this vision every day, even if only for a few minutes. Maintain your vision in the forefront of your mind.
Taking Action
You must be ready to take action. You will never be able to change the results unless you change your focus and habits.
You are responsible for the momentum; it will be up to you to take the actions on your own unless you choose to have the support, encouragement, guidance, and accountability that a coach provides.
The creative process begins with a thought, a great idea, a passionate drive, or a hope of achieving something magnificent. These are the intangible sparks that ignite our ambition to progress and make the intangible a reality.
Begin by jotting down ideas on paper. Don't censor your thoughts or ideas during the first brainstorming session. Start with your personal vision, if you are working on both your personal and professional visions identify what you want and how you want to spend your time.
This will provide you with complete clarity on what is essential to you, what you want, and what aspects of your life you are passionate about and make you feel fulfilled. From there, you can construct a vision for your dream business or profession and take action to make it a reality. Concentrate on what you truly desire, and be as specific as possible. Don't simply state that you want a lot of money, a nice home, and no stress. Make a mental picture of exactly what you want, down to the color of the carpet and the list of clients, and then draw that picture with words until your vision is clear.
Final Thoughts
You create what you focus your attention on. If you focus on everything you don't want, everything you don't have enough of, that's what you'll get more of. Begin by imagining what you want.
Begin with your vision; clearly define your life, career, and business goals, and then take the necessary actions to make them a reality. In my Creative Goal Setting Masterclass, I teach how to become clear about your true desires that align with what you are truly craving in your life. Then I walk you through how to incorporate visualizations into your days, so you can create a life you love, that is filled with joy and ease as you accomplish your goals. If you would like to get on the waitlist for the next online masterclass please visit my website:
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